BAM card sort (Behaviour Attitude Matrix) A workshop approach to planning and reviewing group priorities.

This tool can inform the prioritisation of different project elements, such as the Happy Museum principles, using input from participants based on a 2×2 matrix. Done before and after it gives feedback on how these change after the project. Participants consider each element against two questions that can be defined by the project managers, for example, ‘important’ (attitude) and ‘easy’ (behaviour), or ‘fun’ and ‘good for you’.

The BAM card sort has been used by every commissioned Happy Museum to give feedback to the overall programme. We recommend it because it prompts very useful conversations and provides a simple snapshot of how people are responding to Happy Museum over time.

Download (pdf): BAM_card_sort

For information about the rest of our resources see this chart showing all our tools and this guidance about how and when to use them.  You can also read a series of case studies of museums putting them into practice.