Museums help to shape the future of Wales
Happy Museum is delighted to launch a new report Welsh museums and the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act which shines a spotlight on the myriad ways in which Welsh museums are responding to the goals of the Act.
‘If we are to make museums – relevant for the future, we must be innovative in the ways we engage and inspire, and collaborate effectively with the public sector; ensuring we are acting today for a better tomorrow.” Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
Focusing on the work of six Welsh museums, the report demonstrates the significant contribution museums can make through examples of current or recent practice – as well as detailing the museums’ efforts to develop projects specifically to respond to the Wellbeing goals.
“Supporting museums to achieve the Wellbeing Goals is a key part of our grant programme – and a great fit with HM principles. We hope that the evidence gained by the participating museums will be used by other museums in Wales.” Victoria Rogers, President, Ffederasiwn Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau Celf Cymru. Federation of Museums & Art Galleries of Wales
The report was developed through a partnership project between Happy Museum and Monmouthshire Museums, Cardiff Story Museum, Ceredigion Museum, Oriel Môn, Storiel and Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives. The six Welsh museums worked with the Happy Museum over six months, to deepening their understanding of their Future Generations Act obligations, reviewing the ways in which they were already responding to the goals, and planning new activities and embed ways of working that would take their response to the next level. The project was supported by the Welsh Government through an accreditation support grant from the Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales.
DOWNLOAD a copy of the report in ENGLISH or WELSH
“The Happy Museum project enabled us to show our decision makers how important museums are in delivering the Well Being of Future Generations Act.” Rachael Rogers, Manager, Monmouthshire Museums
“The Future Generations Act in Wales is an exemplary piece of legislation …We hope that the work of these Welsh museums will provide inspiration for the potential of museums worldwide to work in support of the wellbeing of people, place and planet.’ Hilary Jennings, Director, Happy Museum Project