What’s Your Story? Using Technology as a Catalyst for Engagement and Ownership of Cultural Heritage, (Storiel) Gwynedd Museum & Art Gallery (GMAG)  2013-14

GMAG partnered with the Wales Centre for Behavioral Change in order to build upon a current theme in museum studies – the ways in which “museums can facilitate, and not just impart meaning” (Petrov, 2012).  The ‘What’s Your Story?’ project used digital technologies to enable visitors to create their own audio heritage tours and to research the effect of these technologies on wellbeing.

Download a Case Study of the project and read more about the Evaluation below.

Read a full report produced by the Department of Psychology at Bangor University and Gwynedd (now Storiel) Museum Happy Museums Report Email


The project vision was to be a spark that ignites reach and agency – using more visibility and engagement rurally and online – to create a feeling that the community own the GMAG – to EMBED, INSPIRE, ENGAGE, CREATE, CONSUME and SHARE to build social and community capital.

Highlights included the use of objects and technology as a medium to generate communication.  There were opportunities for academic research linking LIFE survey, digital research, mappiness and observational evaluation, resulting in a unique collection in Wales that much more linked with the public.

Challenges included the fact the first app company contract fell through and there was some resistance to non-traditional methods in galleries.